
Located in the nation’s capital, Georgetown offers opportunities to engage with global leaders in government, business, society, and the academy.


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Academic excellence, a D.C. location, and service to the world are at the core of Georgetown University's global identity. An international community of scholars and students based in the nation’s capital, Georgetown advances the common good through research, teaching, and outreach around global issues.

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On July 14 Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, joined Georgetown students for an update on the COVID-19 pandemic, moderated by  John Monahan and Mo Elleithee.


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Through her spring 2023 Science for All course called Rising Seas, Warming Oceans, Science, Technology and International Affairs Lecturer Clare Fieseler introduced students to the very real impacts of human-driven climate change.

Panelists at a July 2 workshop sponsored by the Global Economic Challenges Network emphasized that institution-building requires maintaining solidarity among nations and a commitment to upholding the public good.

The Global Economic Challenges Network's May 22 workshop discussed the need for worker protection when reopening the world’s economy amid the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Georgetown SFS Professor Abraham Newman discusses the consequences of the United States decoupling from China in a new Foreign Affairs article.

Georgetown professor Jishnu Das and McGill University professor Madhukar Pai write about how India can strengthen its health care system after the COVID-19 lockdown to provide better care and address health care deficits. 

Georgetown faculty from across the university reflect on the sometimes unexpected ways the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted and influenced their work.

Writing in the Washington Post, Georgetown SFS adjunct instructor Ishaan Tharoor explores how U.S. protests against police violence are reverberating around the world.


University students had to say a premature goodbye to their friends and communities when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. International students at Georgetown discuss how they are staying connected from different parts of the world.

Environmental historian Dagomar Degroot and Ph.D. student Emma Moesswilde have revamped Climate History, a podcast created to explore what the past can tell us about the present and future of climate change. 

In 2016, researchers at Georgetown helped establish the Urban Spatial Observatory (USO). The USO is now working with Delhi's government to provide relief to vulnerable communities. 

Members of Georgetown's diverse faith communities have found ways to persist during COVID-19 by maintaining their spiritual practices from all around the globe.

The CALL program, which started in the fall of 2023, gives students the chance to earn a semester’s worth of credit while cultivating professional skills and living in downtown DC.

The Georgetown University community mourns the loss of leader, colleague, and friend Maeve McKean, who passed away unexpectedly on Thursday, April 2.

Unable to scrub up but eager to help the healthcare community, a group of Georgetown medical students started MedSupplyDrive, a nonprofit that collects protective gear for hospitals across the country.

Professor Joanna Lewis secured a grant which she plans to use to work alongside China to meet sustainability goals, while improving the U.S.-China relationship.

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